Palm Sunday Song Resources

Our Wednesday night program offers children the opportunity to join a million plus kids in a fun and Bible based club called AWANA (Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed) which is an acronym for 2 Timothy 2:15. A typical AWANA club revolves around games, activities, scripture memorization and Christ centered devotions to list a few. Children, families and congregations across the world have found AWANA to be an exciting program that is not only fun but important in developing a child’s understanding of the Scriptures. Those who have utilized AWANA have found the program to be invaluable in a child’s faith development. Some of the benefits include developing a strong understanding of God’s love, forgiveness and plan of salvation through Christ alone.

AWANA at St. Paul:
Wednesday nights at 6pm we kick off with opening in the church Fellowship Hall as a large group. Students then gather with their small groups and rotate between games and devotion time. We close the evening with large group in the Worship Center and end at 7:30pm.

Sparks- students are those in K through 2nd grade

TnT- students in 3rd-5th grade

Materials & Points:
Students and parents work at home through their student book. Memory work consists of different key passages we can find throughout the Bible. Students will recite their memory work each week at AWANA.

Points are earned each week for different aspects of this ministry(participating in the theme that week, attendance, etc). They collect points and then use them at the AWANA store a couple of times a year.

Schedule & Theme night:
AWANA takes place on Wednesday evenings here at St. Paul from 6-7:30pm

Welcome letter Schedule Awana 2024-25

AWANA Sparks

About AWANA Sparks
Our Sparks Club is designed for children in Kindergarten – 2nd grade. The aim of this club is to take God’s children a step deeper into God’s Word. As boys and girls grow in their understanding of the Word they will have a better understanding of the importance of trusting Christ for their salvation. Spark’s club meetings combine learning with fun to create an atmosphere of irresistible excitement. Club meetings are divided into four segments: Opening, Games, Small Group and Large Group.

About Flight 3:16
All Sparks enter their AWANA journey by reading/completing Flight 3:16. Through this they’ll learn the essentials of a Christian’s life—that we are sinful, God sent his son to die and pay for our sins, through Jesus death and resurrection, all who believe will receive eternal life.

Upon completion of Flight 3:16, the children enter into their handbooks, where they learn more of the important Biblical people, accounts, and teachings that are essential to God’s master plan of salvation. Over three years clubbers make their way through 3 handbooks which chronologically cover key Biblical figures. In addition the handbooks challenge clubbers (and their families) to apply the Bible to their daily lives.

Small Group:
This is a time of devotion, teaching, and discussion. Teachers will lead their kids in a devotion associated with the theme for the night.

AWARDS (see p. 102 of Hang Glider book for visual) **Each Sparks book revolves earning 1 patch (Rank Emblem) and 12 jewels (4 Green, 4 Red, 4 Blue). Completed in order…the kids first earn their Rank Emblem by completing the first 8 sections. Completing the next 4 sections earns them Red Jewel 1. The next 4 earns them Green Jewel 1. The next 4 earns them Red Jewel 2…and so on. Blue Jewels are earned once a quarter based on club attendance (usually attending 5-6 times/quarter).
**Once the Rank Emblem and all Red and Green Jewels have been earned, depending on their grade and the time of year, the kids will either work on “Extra Credit” sections or move onto the next book. (See “ORDER OF COMPLETION OF HANDBOOKS” below) This determination will be made by the AWANA Commander and Secretaries.

**Book awards are given out once a quarter.

**Uniforms and bags are handed out after the Rank Emblem patch has been earned

**All sections must be completed in their entirety and in order

THE ONLY EXCEPTIONS-WHICH MAY BE DONE ANY TIME A) Bring A Friend (Red Jewel 1, Section 1) B) Missionary Activities (Green Jewel 2) C) Listening To Parents/Life at Home (Green Jewel 4, Sections 2 and/or 3) **For placement and description of awards, please consult the back of the book or ask your leader.

Page 2-3: Parent Guardian Letter–Describes the parts of the book AND which sections can be done out of order *Red Jewel 1:1 Kids need to bring a friend (see leader if alternative is absolutely necessary) *Green Jewel 2:1-2:4 Missionary Activities *Green Jewel 4:3 Kids must complete a responsibilities chart Back of the book Information on awards/Parent ideas to apply Bible Bibliographies *NOTE—These sections may be done out of order—all others must be done in order

Kindergarten: Flight 3:16, Hang Glider, HG Review Emblem, HG Frequent Flyer 1st: Flight 3:16, Hang Glider, Wing Runner, WR Review Emblem, WR Frequent Flyer, HG Review Emblem, HG Frequent Flyer 2nd: Flight 3:16, Hang Glider, Wing Runner, Sky Stormer, SS Review Emblem, SS Frequent Flyer, WR Review Emblem, WR Frequent Flyer, HG Review Emblem, HG Frequent Flyer


  • Attendance: 50
  • Bring a Friend: 100
  • Theme: 50
  • Section completed: 100

All TNT youth enter their AWANA journey by reading/completing Start Zone. Through this they’ll learn the essentials of a Christian’s life—that we are sinful, God sent his son to die and pay for our sins, through Jesus's death and resurrection, all who believe will receive eternal life.

Upon completion of Start Zone, the children enter into their handbooks (for new clubbers this will actually be a Binder), where they learn more about God and his plan for them, including His master plan of salvation. Over three years clubbers can make their way through 3 binders which explore important foundational Christian faith questions. With God’s Word as a foundation these clubbers (and their families) become greater equipped to share the good news of Jesus with others.

Small Group takes place on Wednesday evenings: This is a time of devotion, teaching, and discussion. Teachers will lead their kids in a devotion associated with the theme for the night. Teachers will also guide them through opening, games and large group closing.

Memory Work and at home time: Parents as you work your way through each handbook you will be signing off on different sections that you complete. Memory work should be studied at home and then signed off for in the handbook. Students can then show their leader each week their progress and secretaries will award them as sections are completed.

Handbooks: All students begin in a Start Zone.

Once this is completed, they will then begin the following progression of binders:

Binder 1 | Binder 2 | Binder 3

In all of the books the kids are working on sections. These sections have similar requirements involving the areas of memorizing scripture and looking up Bible passages and answering questions. Students will earn different color chevrons as they get to the halfway point of a group of sections and the completion of a group of sections. Uniforms are given when the first Chevron is earned (after section 1.3)

Again, each book should be worked on at home with their parents involvement. Books should be brought each week to class to show small group leaders.


  • Attendance: 50
  • Bring a Friend: 100
  • Theme: 50
  • Section completed: 100

If You have any questions, contact Savannah at or call the church office (920) 467-6449.