
In many Christian traditions, including Lutheranism, child baptism is seen as a vital expression of God's grace and promise. It marks the beginning of a child's faith journey, emphasizing that salvation is a gift from God, not something earned. Based on biblical teachings, such as Acts 2:38-39, this practice assures parents that God's covenant extends to their children, offering forgiveness and eternal life from the moment of baptism. In Lutheran belief, baptism cleanses individuals from original sin and unites them with Christ, even at an age where they cannot yet understand or articulate faith. It is a powerful declaration of God’s unconditional love and the child's inclusion into the community of believers.

This sacrament is seen not just as symbolic, but as an actual means by which God imparts grace and faith, ensuring that the baptized is fully embraced by God's promises. For families, it is an important spiritual milestone, laying a foundation for raising their child in the Christian faith.

"Baptism, which corresponds to this, now saves you, not as a removal of dirt from the body but as an appeal to God for a good conscience, through the resurrection of Jesus Christ."
1 Peter 3:21


Why Baptize My Child?

Baptism is a washing, a sacred act commanded by Jesus Himself. It is God’s gift to us that brings us into His family as His adopted children. When we obey Jesus’ command to baptize, God extends His grace in many ways. The baptized child begins a new relationship with God, receives forgiveness of sins and is filled with the Holy Spirit.

How Do I Have My Child Baptized?

Baptism is an important event and milestone in the life of a child, and not just a box to be checked. Because it is so important we require all those interested in Baptism or in having their child Baptized to meet with Pastor Kyle. This class helps to educate and equip parents on Baptism and being the primary faith developers for their children. This class must be completed before Baptism can be scheduled. Please contact Pastor Kyle to set up an appointment at 920-467-6449 ext 123 or

Why Does St. Paul Lutheran Church Baptize Babies?

Children, too, are sinful and need God’s forgiveness. The Bible never says God’s promises only hold true for adults or for those who are able to understand. Our right standing with God does not depend on our decision to come to Him, but rather on His coming to us.

“Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. The promise is for you and your children.” Acts 2:38-39

What Happens On The Day Of Baptism?

You will want to arrive at least 20 minutes before the worship service begins and inform the Pastor you are on site. Upon your request, seats will be reserved in the Sanctuary for your family and guests. During the service the pastor will welcome your immediate family and sponsors around the baptismal font. You will receive a certificate and a gift to help your child remember this day. Pictures can be taken after the service.

What Is My Responsibility After The Baptism?

Children need to be taught about their new relationship with Jesus. This is just as important as the baptism itself. The little seed of faith that has been placed in his heart needs to be watered and fed with God’s Word so it will continue to grow. You as the parents and sponsors hold the God given responsibility to raise your child in the faith. Having a child helps many new parents realize their own need to “walk the walk” and “talk the talk”. If this is the case, we are here to help and guide you in your own faith walk.

What Does St. Paul Do After The Baptism?

At your child’s baptism, our church family promised to continue to pray for you and your child as you raise him or her in the faith. Through our Faith Path we offer various parenting classes will be available at church for you to attend. At age 3, (by Sept of that school year) your child is old enough to begin attending Sunday School to help them learn more about Jesus and His love.