“Go Small at St Paul” and join a Small Group today! Be a part of a friendly community, grow your faith with others, and strengthen your walk with Jesus!
Become a Leader
Becoming a Small Group leader is an excellent way to use the gifts and talents that God has given you to serve Him! We thank you very much for your interest! We’ll be honest, it’s not always an easy position. But it is certainly a good position – serving God and furthering His Kingdom is exactly what we as Christians are called to do. If interested in becoming a Small Group leader, contact the Church Office today, (920) 467-6449.
Here are a few things to consider as you pray about becoming a Small Group leader:
God will equip you. It’s comforting to know that he’s always the one doing the real work, and it is quite the privilege to be used by him to do it.
There is a training that you’ll go through before becoming a leader. This training lasts three hours. We as a church will continue to train and support you as you lead a Small Group.
Leading a Small Group is more than teaching a Bible study. Instead, it’s living the Christian life and setting an example for those in your Group in holiness, servitude, forgiveness, evangelism, and love.
Leading a Small Group is more than just facilitating a regular meeting. Small Group leaders regularly engage with their Group and are there to support them.
You will be blessed by being a leader – maybe not in worldly things, but certainly in spiritual things. Your faith will be strengthened and as that grows so does your peace, hope, love, and joy! As a leader, you’ll have amazing opportunities to grow closer to God and to receive from him the many incredible gifts he offers!
What is a Small Group?
- Our vision for Small Groups is that they ‘connect people to Christ’ in a culture lacking in community, truth, and direction by fostering supportive relationships focused around the discussion of God’s Word, prayer, and outreach where we live, work, and play.
It’s been said that Small Groups are a community ‘where life meets truth.’ To expand on that, Small Groups are a community of 3 to 15 members who meet regularly to ‘do the Christian life deeply together.’ - They walk a fine line between a Bible study and a support group; it’s biblical teaching applied to life.
- Small Groups members meet regularly with the goals of forming deep, meaningful relationships with each other, discussing God’s Word and applying it to each other’s lives, supporting and caring for one another, and praying together. They exist to connect Christians closer together and closer to Christ and also to connect seekers in our community to Christ and to the Church. They are safe places to share your life’s joys and struggles. They are a relaxed, non-threatening environment for Bible study.
Who are Small Groups For?
You! And, well…everyone. Jesus Christ died and rose for all people; this message is for all people; and Small Groups teach and live this essential message. We all should be hearing it, living it, and sharing it all the time, and Small Groups offer you an avenue to do just that.
Why Join a Small Group?
Because your greatest needs are God’s gifts of forgiveness and eternal life in heaven. These amazing gifts are only received through faith. And Small Groups exist to ‘connect people to Christ’ – in other words, they strengthen this all-important faith. When you join a Small Group, you become part of an intimate community of believers who’ll encourage you in your faith, hold you accountable to your faith, spend time together in God’s Word to strengthen your faith, and work together to live out your faith through serving and evangelizing to others. When you look at it this way, participating in a Small Group is really the most important thing you can be doing!
What Other Opportunities are there to study God's Word in a Group Setting?
Women’s Bible Study
- Leader: Heidi Gudmundson
- Frequency: Tuesdays Weekly (not during the summer)
- Time: 9:00-11:00 AM *Childcare is provided, all women are welcome to join!
Men’s Bible Study
- Leader:
- Frequency: Saturdays Bi-weekly
- Time: 8:00-9:30 AM (usually the 2 and 4 Saturdays of the month) *All men are welcomed!
Online Small Group
- Leader: Amber Christel
- Frequency: Tuesdays Every-Other-Week
- Time: 6:00 PM
Resources & Materials Handbook
To sign up for a Small Group, contact the Church Office, 920-467-6449