Worship Ministry includes many different groups – all of which help facilitate and lead Worship Services. It involves teams to help set up and help attendees, music played to lead the congregational singing, special music to help Connect People to Christ, technology used during our worship services, and more. We serve God by serving our congregation and guests through using the talents He has given us.
Adult Choir is a group that sings to share anthems to help Connect People to Christ. We sing anthems to support the worship theme for the day and sharing the love of Jesus through music.
We are happy to welcome new members to join us in singing praises to our Lord.
We typically sing for the 8:00 and 9:30 AM services on the 1st and 2nd Sundays of each month.
The schedule may be slightly altered for Festival Sundays and special events, such as Reformation and Holy Week.
Rehearsals take place Tuesdays at 6:30 PM in the Choir Room.
If you would like more information or are interested in joining this group, please contact the director, Thomas Walkenhorst: .
The bell choir is for those who want to make a joyful noise to the Lord- and have a fun time doing it! They provide music during worship services and other special occasions. The commitment is practice Tuesdays from 5:30-6:30 PM and performances at the 8:00 & 9:30 services on the third Sunday of the month. This group is led by Mary Ann Fibiger, our organist.
If you would like more information or are interested in joining the group, please contact Thomas at
Do you feel led or called to serve in our church with your God-given musical talents?
Our church offers several ways to serve God and the congregation with your God-given musical gifts. We are in need of additional members to most all of our teams. Please see the Worship Team Application form below to get started.
Our Servant Volunteer Teams:
Instrumentalist – piano, acoustic guitar, electric guitar, bass guitar, keyboard/synth, drums, percussion, violin, cello, other stringed instruments
Vocals – lead and harmony singers
Worship Team Application
Please contact our Director of Worship, Thomas Walkenhorst (
) to set up a meeting time to discuss using your musical gifts on our Praise Teams!
Thursday Informal Praise Team
Thursday Informal Praise Worship is led by a group of various musicians and singers. If you’d like to give your musical gifts to the Lord and are otherwise busy on Sundays, this is a great opportunity! The group practices right before the 6:30 PM service at 5:15 PM.
Celebration Praise Team
This praise team sings on 1st, 2nd, and 4th Sunday mornings of the month for our Blended and Contemporary services. They practice from 8:30 – 10:30 AM on Saturdays in the Worship Center.
Good Hope Road Praise Team
This praise team sings on the 3rd and 5th Sundays of the month for the Blended and Contemporary services. They also practice on Saturday mornings from 8:30 to 10:30 AM.
This Side of Heaven Praise Team
Our youth praise team is made up of high school and middle school students. They practice twice a month on Sundays and lead worship a handful of times throughout the school year.
We use technology and media in our Services to help Connect People to Christ. The pastors talk through mics, the Praise Teams are plugged in… we use projectors to display the worship texts on screens, we livestream our worship… but how does it all work?
“Behind the scenes” there are volunteers who work diligently to make our services run smoothly. If you enjoy working with computers or technology, God might be calling you to help run our services!
Here are some of the positions to volunteer in:
- operating the soundboard/mixer for Praise Teams
- adjusting volumes, muting/unmuting channels, adjusting audio for videos and other media
- advancing slides projected on screens
- helping people worship by displaying text, Bible readings, and hymn/song lyrics in a timely fashion
- livestream camera operator
- adjust the camera as necessary during Sunday 9:15 livestream, as well as other livestreamed services/events.
Training will be provided to those interested in these positions!
Contact: Thomas
Ushers and the Altar Guild are two crucial groups that help our services run well:
Ushers greet worship attendees, distribute Weekly News, dismiss pews for Communion, bring forth Offering.
Altar Guild changes paraments (decorations and cloths on altar and pulpit) for different seasons of the church year, prepares bread and wine for Holy Communion (The Lord’s Supper).
Could you serve as an Usher – helping people during worship?
Or maybe in the Altar Guild – preparing the Altar area behind-the-scenes before Worship Services.
Contact: Thomas
Worship Ministry Volunteer Schedule
Worship Ministry
Worship Audio/Visual
Usher Volunteers
Usher Schedule
Printables & Interactive
Thursday - 6:30 PM Sunday - 8AM Sunday - 9:30 AM Sunday - 11AM
Usher Schedule (PDF) ICS Calendar Special Services