6-8th Grade Confirmation

The mission statement of our church helps us stay focused upon what’s important in our ministry. It reads: As Friends of God through Jesus, empowered by the Spirit, we are Connecting People to Christ by sharing His love in word and action everywhere we are. Our Confirmation program is carefully considered in the light of this mission.

Youth Ministry

6th Grade Acolyte Sign Up 7th Grade Altar Guild Sign Up 8th Grade Ushering Sign Up

2024-2025 School Year

Kick Off Video

Acolyte Training Video

Usher Training Video

Upcoming Events

**Registration is required for all of these upcoming events and will be sent home with students 1 month prior to the event. 

Confirmation Ministry

The mission statement of our church helps us stay focused upon what’s important in our ministry. It reads: As Friends of God through Jesus, empowered by the Spirit, we are Connecting People to Christ by sharing His love in word and action everywhere we are. Our Confirmation program is carefully considered in the light of this mission.

Churches around the country are placing a renewed emphasis on the importance of the family in Christian growth. It has become clear that families that grow in the Christian faith together are significantly more likely to see their children continue in the faith and on to adulthood. With this in mind, there are three main focuses for Confirmation:

  • Family Worship
  •  Family Time Education
  •   Small Group Education

If you have any questions about Confirmation Ministry or if you would like to register your son/daughter please email Nicole Dollevoet at or call 920-467-6449.

Confirmation Information

2024-2025 Schedules

6th grade 7th Grade 8th Grade

What does a Typical Wednesday Evening of Confirmation look like? 6:00pm All students and mentors meet in Worship Center for Large group time 6:15pm Students head to classrooms with mentors in Small groups.  Attendance is taken highs and lows are shared.  6:30pm Dive into lesson for the night 7:30pm Dismiss for the evening

 *During Lent large group is excluded and classes end at 7:05pm and large group time is excluded