Please Note
Below are member resources. Five years of Congregation and Council Meeting minutes will be listed below. If you are looking for anything earlier, or can't seem to find something, please contact the Church Office if you need any assistance.
If Worship Services are canceled:
We do not notify TV, radio, or social media of cancellations.
Information will be available as follows:
- Check our website -
- Call 920-467-6449 option 4 for a list of cancellations
Wondering if anything else is cancelled?
- Early Childhood Center / The Gathering Place / Children’s & Youth Events will close or be cancelled if the Sheboygan Falls School District closes or cancels due to weather.
- Our various ministries have individual cancellation notification procedures. If you are unsure how to receive this information, please check with the Ministry Leader.
Congregation materials
Congregation Meeting Minutes
Our Meeting Minutes are available online for everyone to view from the past few years here at St. Paul Lutheran. If you need to reach out to find more information from meeting minutes, please contact Karri in the Church Office by calling 920-467-6449.
Church Policies & Constitution & Bylaws
This is a list of policies developed by the St. Paul Lutheran Church Council. The forms mentioned within each policy are also included.
Constitution & Bylaws
- Core Values (Policy 8)
- Vision Statement (Policy 13)
- Membership for those Living Together Without Marriage (Policy 16)
- Weddings for those Living Together Without Marriage (Policy 17)
- Baptism (Policy 20) Baptism Application Giving Ceremony & Baptism Application The Story of Our Baptismal Font Brochure
- Same-Sex Union (Policy 30)
- Statement of Faith with Regard to Marriage, Gender, and Sexuality (Policy 43)
- Guidelines for Membership (Policy 56)
- Activity Sponsorship Approval (Policy 1) Activity Sponsoring Request Form
- LCD Sign Display (Policy 2)
- Gathering Area Use (Policy 3) Gathering Area Reservation Form
- Safe Building Use (Policy 11) Appropriate Use of Building Agreement
- Cancellation of Worship Services (Policy 12)
- Kitchen (Policy 14) Kitchen Use Guidelines
- Facility Rental (Policy 15) Facility Rental Brochure Facility Rental Agreement Appropriate Use of Building
- Open Flame (Policy 28)
- Silver Alert (Policy 29)
- Bell Usage (Policy 40)
- Use of Building Space (Policy 45) Ministry Statement for Volunteers Ministry Statement for Host Sites Ministry Statement for Building Use
For the Safety Policy, please contact the Church Office.
- Absentee Ballot (Policy 4)
- Volunteer Appreciation (Policy 9)
- One on One Meeting (Policy 19)
- Handling of Wine (Policy 25)
- Communion Assistant Dress Code (Policy 26)
- Communion Assistant Selection (Policy 27)
- Volunteers Working with Children, Youth or Vulnerable Adults (Policy 31) Background Authorization Form Adult Day Care Background Verification Form Ministry Driver Screening Form Vehicle Insurance Verification Form
- Volunteer Dismissal (Policy 32)
- Grievance (Policy33)
- Ushers (Policy 36)
- Nomination of Church Council (Policy 46)
- Election of Church Council (Policy 47)
- Church Council (Policy48)
- Ministry Action & Advisory Teams (Policy 49)
- Elder Team (Policy 50)
- Executive Team Roles (Policy 51)
- Ministry Staff (Policy 53)
- Electronic Communication with Minors (Policy 61) Forms for different Electronic Communications
- Volunteer Leader Consent form for Electronic Communication
- Minor Participant Consent form for Electronic Communication
- Staff Consent form for Electronic Communication
- Social Media Usage (Policy 63)
- Capital Improvement Fund (Policy 5)
- Establishment of Dedicated Funds (Policy 6)
- Handling of Fundraising Money (Policy 7)
- Mission Partner Scrip (Policy 18)
- Capitalization & Depreciation (Policy 22)
- Unbudgeted Expense (Policy 24)
- Acknowledgement of Monetary Donations (Policy 34)
- Building Fund (Policy 38)
- Endowment Fund (Policy 39)
- Undesignated Monetary Donations (Policy 41)
- Funeral Compensation (Policy 42)
- Emergency Repair (Policy 44)
- Ministry Development Fund (Policy 54) 139 – Fundraising Match Program Application
- Investment Options for Church Funds (Policy 55)
- Early Childhood Center Scholarships (Policy 57) ECC Scholarship Application Form
- Gift Acceptance (Policy 58)
- Small Group Study Acquisition (Policy 59) To develop a standard for the purchase of Bible Study Materials Small Group Study Purchase Form
- TGP Dedicated Account (Policy 60)
- Social Ministry Fund (Policy 62)
Church Council Meeting Minutes
Our Meeting Minutes are available online for everyone to view from the past few years here at St. Paul Lutheran. If you need to reach out to find out more information from the past years meeting minutes, please contact Karri in the Church Office by calling 920-467-6449.
- 01 - January
- 02 - February
- 03 - March
- 04 - April
- 05 - May
- 06 - June
- 07 - July
- 08 - August
- 09 - September
- 10 - October
- 11- November
- 12 - December
- 01 - January
- 02 - February
- 03 - March - Meeting Cancelled
- 04 - April
- 05 - May
- 06 - June
- 07 - July - Meeting Cancelled
- 08 - August
- 09 - September
- 10 - October
- 11- November
- 12 - December - Meeting Cancelled
- 01 - January
- 02 - February
- 03 - March
- 04 - April
- 05 - May - Meeting Cancelled
- 06 - June
- 07 - July - Meeting Cancelled
- 08 - August
- 09 - September
- 10 - October
- 11- November - Meeting Cancelled
- 12 - December
- 01 - January
- 02 - February
- 03 - March
- 04 - April - Meeting Cancelled
- 05 - May
- 06 - June
- 06 - June - Additional Meeting
- 07 - July
- 08 - August
- 09 - September
- 10 - October
- 11- November
- 12 - December - Meeting Cancelled
Additional Resources
Our Christian Resource Guide offers a list of organizations in Sheboygan County that provide support and services to those facing challenging situations. At St. Paul, we host several programs at our church, including Celebrate Recovery, The Gathering Place and Memory Matters, Widow’s Ministry, and Grief Share.
Below, you'll find a list of organizations that can help you or someone you know find the support they need. We've also included a Resource Card with additional resources available to the Sheboygan County community.
Additionally, we offer information on local Christian schools and a list of Parent Resources to help families navigate faith-based growth and difficult circumstances.
Christian Resources
Below are links to a variety of Christian resources. If you need further assistance or have additional questions, please contact the Church Office.
Sheboygan Area Lutheran School Resources
St. Paul (Sheboygan Falls) Early Childhood Center
We offer a Christian based 3-year old Preschool, 4K and Child Care for 2.5-5 year olds. Our daily program is based on developmentally appropriate activities from a Christian perspective. The curriculum has been designed to encourage socialization, independence, creative play, readiness skills and the development of a positive self-image. Daily activities are presented in ways that are fun, appealing to children and most importantly, based on strong Christian values.
Our curriculum follows the Wisconsin Model Early Learning Standards (WMELS) and we have a Young Star rating of 4. Contact: 920-467-6733, or check out our page on Early Childhood Center
Trinity Lutheran School, Sheboygan
Trinity Lutheran School provides a Christ-centered education that is accredited by the National Lutheran School Accreditation of the LCMS. Trinity’s mission is “Making Known the Love of Christ,” and we would love for you to see how a Trinity education can positively impact your child spiritually, emotionally and intellectually. As a state voucher school with numerous scholarship opportunities, we are open to any family desiring a rigorous, faith-based education for their children. Contact: 920-458-8258 or or check us out on Facebook
St. Paul Lutheran School, Sheboygan
The faculty and staff of St. Paul’s Lutheran Church and School are compelled by the love of Christ to provide children and families with a Christ-centered education, that they may live faithful lives of service to God and the community. We strive to guide each child to achieve their full academic, physical, emotional and spiritual potential. Contact: 920-452-6882 or
Bethlehem Lutheran School, Sheboygan
Bethlehem Lutheran School has been sharing God’s grace with it’s students for over 125 years. Through God’s grace and love, our congregation continues to have a love for Christian education. God has blessed us with this gift since 1890. The theme for our school is “Christian Education for Today. Christian Education for Eternity.” Contact: 920-452-5071 or
St. John Lutheran School, Plymouth
St. John Lutheran Church established its Christian day school in the fall of 1864 to provide the children of the congregation and other children of the community with a Christ-centered education. The school has grown from one teacher in one classroom to one classroom per grade, including a preschool and year-round child care program. Contact: 920-893-5114 or
St. John Lutheran School, Random Lake
St. John Ev. Lutheran Church & School was established by God for the preaching of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the mutual admonition and strengthening in the confession of the faith, the fostering of Christian education among young and old, and the extension of the kingdom of God into all the world. Contact: 920-994-2228 or
Sheboygan Area Lutheran High School (9-12)
For over 40 years, Sheboygan Lutheran High School has been dedicated to its mission of Preparing Christian Leaders – One Student at a Time. We are a school that specializes in faith-based education, values Christian leadership principles, and provides a transformational and well-rounded education taught by a caring and talented staff in a family atmosphere. Visit for more info or call 920-452-3323.
Scholarships are available to all members of St. Paul.
If you have questions about financial assistance, please contact Nicole.
Parent Resources
- Parent Prayer Card resource. Click HERE
- Helping teens deal with work through anxiety. Click HERE
- Anxiety and teens, some simple steps to help. Click HERE
- Have you hugged your teen lately? Click HERE
- Podcast on youth and racism can be found HERE and HERE and HERE
- Five nights a week can be found HERE
- 3 ways to pass down the faith can be found HERE
- Talking with your kids about difficult news can be found HERE
- Letter to my teen’s car can be found HERE
- Three Phrases NOT to say to your children click HERE
- Helping lonely kids article can be found HERE
- Screen use goes into Overdrive check out article HERE
- How to talk with teens about death click HERE
- 35 ways you cant love your neighbor right now, click HERE
- Your son or daughter on TikTok some great tips can be found HERE
St. Paul Scholarship Human Trafficking Seminar LCMS Disaster Lert Resources