Member Resources

Please Note

Below are member resources. Five years of Congregation and Council Meeting minutes will be listed below. If you are looking for anything earlier, or can't seem to find something, please contact the Church Office if you need any assistance.

Contact Us


If Worship Services are canceled:
We do not notify TV, radio, or social media of cancellations.
Information will be available as follows:

  • Check our website -
  • Call 920-467-6449 option 4 for a list of cancellations

Wondering if anything else is cancelled?

  • Early Childhood Center / The Gathering Place / Children’s & Youth Events will close or be cancelled if the Sheboygan Falls School District closes or cancels due to weather.
  • Our various ministries have individual cancellation notification procedures. If you are unsure how to receive this information, please check with the Ministry Leader.

Congregation materials

Additional Resources

Our Christian Resource Guide offers a list of organizations in Sheboygan County that provide support and services to those facing challenging situations. At St. Paul, we host several programs at our church, including Celebrate Recovery, The Gathering Place and Memory Matters, Widow’s Ministry, and Grief Share.

Below, you'll find a list of organizations that can help you or someone you know find the support they need. We've also included a Resource Card with additional resources available to the Sheboygan County community.

Additionally, we offer information on local Christian schools and a list of Parent Resources to help families navigate faith-based growth and difficult circumstances.


St. Paul Scholarship Human Trafficking Seminar LCMS Disaster Lert Resources